Friday, June 15, 2007

The Truth About Cats and Cynthias

Today's a lazy rainy day in Oregon. Mostly I've been reading and doing stuff in my studio. Nothing very exciting.

Here's a photo that Jim took of Phoebe and me chilling out in front of the TV. Note the dexterity of my left hand in operating the remote. Heaven forbid that I should ever disturb Phoebe.
I've been thinking a lot about how much making art quilts soothes but excites me, focuses my mind but expands my thinking, and gives me something to do that I love, but frustrates the bageezus out of me sometimes.

Making them teaches me so much about myself: how scary it is to be doing something that not everyone likes or impatient I can be when things aren't strong (or weak) I can be in the face of other people's suggestions as to how I should do things.

Maybe I should look at these awarenesses as metaphors for the way I am in general. It seems like by age 60, a person would know everything there is to know about themselves. I must be a slow learner.


Rayna said...

Glad I found your blog, Cynthia. Looking at your circles quilts, I think the pix of the Pompidou have already crept into your subconscious and influenced you. This last one, especially. Thanks for your great response to my question on QA!

Deb Geyer said...

I was thinking something similar as I approach 50... you mean that I won't know it all when I reach 60 either?!

Anonymous said...

Ahh. The search for the artist's voice. It's such an awesome thing to watch unfold. Chances are nobody will every fully understand your work. That's good.

Even the greatest artists can't help but be influenced by the outside world. Georgia O'Keefe changed her focus when critics began to call her work sexually-charged and Freudian. So sometimes that outside influence can help send you on a new path.

Itsagozsvf said...

Glad I found your blog, Cynthia. Looking at your circles quilts, I think the pix of the Pompidou have already crept into your subconscious and influenced you. This last one, especially. Thanks for your great response to my question on QA!