Sunday, July 22, 2007

See Mickey Through A Portal

For the last few days, I've been finishing my Portals #5 quilt. As usual, I'm so frazzled from working on it that it's lost it's appeal to me. It looks like an attempt to create Mickey Mouse in a fun house mirror.

Ah's a photo of it and one detail pic. It's about 44" x 52". I'll probably like it again in a couple of weeks. That's the way it always seems to go.

Seems like spending so much time at the sewing machine gives me hours and hours to mull thoughts around in my brain. It's usually a good thing, but sometimes I find myself agonizing over really big questions like "What am I Doing Here?" "How can some people still like G.W. Bush?" "When exactly did I lose my religion, especially since so many people are still rabid about God and Jesus and Muhammad?"

Perhaps I should find a more intellectually demanding passtime than sewing.

1 comment:

Aurora said...

hi --thanks for signing my buddy map! I like the colorfullness of this quilt---makes me think of the Gee Bend quilts---have you seen them?